This article will focus on maycast wand spells. The spells that I’ve chosen to highlight here are spells that are only obtainable through may cast wands.
Mainly because I think those are the most interesting!
I’ll talk a little bit about each wand, what I think, any special game mechanics, how to obtain it, and any other notable features about it.
To start off may cast wands were introduced at level _ in KH?
In order to activate a may-cast wand spell, you must first use the natural hit for the wand. After casting the wand spell there is a chance that you’re wand will cast the spell. Hence the name may-cast!
Here is a list of the may-cast wands that I find interesting, by may-cast spell:
May-Cast Minion
May-Cast Immortal Spell
Wrath of Zeus
Athena Battle Sight
May-Cast Shift
Shift Ancient
Shift Ghulture
Shift Grey Wolf
Shift Blackwater
Shift Akhtang
Shift Chaney
Shift Ninja Pig
Shift Black Knight
Shift Horned Knight
Shift Exemplar
Shift Justicar
Shift Praetor
Shift Spellwright
Shift Bunferatu
Shift Jade Oni
Shift Otomo
Shift Samoorai
Shift Treeminder
Shift Mithraya
Elemental Surge
Fiery Volley/Icy Volley/Mythic Volley
Queen Calypso
Storm Volley/Deathly Volley
Lord of Atonement